30 People Who Got Fired Because Of Their Own Stupidity
Nathan Johnson
The workplace can be a wild place at times. From annoying bosses to clueless co-workers, it can also be chock full of entertainment. Check out the stories of people who got canned from their job because of their own foolishness and in all honesty, it shouldn't have been a surprise.
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A temp office worker arrived around 10am. She was found rifling thru someone’s wallet at noon. Arrested and taken away by 12:30. -
US military. Guy in my squadron was getting a general discharge for bad behavior like missing appointments, mouthing off, refusing to adhere to uniform standards, that sort of thing. (For anyone not military, anything other than an honorable discharge means you don't qualify for veteran's benefits and there's a little mark on your background check.) Still, a general discharge isn't the end of the world and was the best possible option for this guy. So all his paperwork was signed, bags were packed, and our first sergeant was escorting him to the airport to fly home. You know what he did at the airport? Punched the first sergeant in the face. So instead of flying home with a slap on the wrist, guess who got shipped off to military prison to await a court martial. Moron. -
We had an employee cafeteria at a Fortune 500 company. You'd get your food at a counter and bring it, in one of those white foam clamshell containers, to the register where you'd just tell the cashier what you got. This one fellow regularly ordered 3-egg scrambles and told the cashier he had just one egg. He got caught once and told never to do it again. He did it again, and lost a $100k+ job for stealing eggs. -
He got drunk at the Christmas party, started hitting people's food and drinks out of their hands, kicked a wet floor sign at the CFO, fell and rolled down a flight of stairs on his way out, then ripped license plates of cars in the car parks and threw them like Frisbees as he left. Never saw him again. -
He had this job for several years. Nobody really liked him. Maybe because he told them he had the highest IQ of any of them. (he also worked the lowest labor grade job). I never talked to him much, but around the pandemic, I mentioned about the shortages. He started telling me he was ready for everything to crash with a bunch of silver coins and some gold. I was okay with our conversation until he started with white supremacy s**t. A few days later, a new guy he was training asked the boss to put him with someone else. He was Hispanic and the dude had started telling my that white people were superior because they were more intelligent. He got called in to speak with HR and he told the (black) HR manager the same thing. That's how he got fired. -
Dude would drive to the site, park his work van, then have his GF pick him up and take off for 8 hours, come back and pick up the van, thereby cleverly fooling the GPS tracker in the vehicle... But not the camera pointing directly at the spot where he parked, got picked up, and dropped off. Cost the company a substantial contract. And himself a job. -
She picked up a customer's baby without permission and walked off with her, the customer was beside herself thinking she'd been kidnapped. Co-worker didn't think she had done anything wrong because she's also a mother.... -
My boss hired a new guy to help out on the closing shift (2p-11p) at a convenience store. He started pissing people off right away; wouldn't stock any of the booze in the cooler because "his religion" forbade so much as touching it. Played fundie-a*s music in the store even after being told not to. Intimidated the manager. He wasn't there a full week. One afternoon, the assistant manager was at the counter and Dale was in the office. A Sheriff's Deputy came in, looked around, asked of Dale [so & so] was working that day. Ken nodded and pointed toward the office door. "He's back there." Deputy thanks him and goes back out. Comes back with a second deputy and they head for that door. Didn't take long. They came back out with Dale in cuffs. Turns out our squeaky-clean preacher boy had warrants out for cocaine possession and for beating the living c**p out of his wife. A few days after the arrest, the results of the company's background check finally came in and he was fired. Here ended the lesson. -
Caught on camera stealing tablets and laptops multiple times. Caught on camera getting physically violent with a girl. Threatened violence against two girls half his size when no one else was there. Didn’t deny it when HR got involved. Acted like they were wasting his time by holding a meeting and trying to resolve the situation. Different people at the same job. -
He was stealing Klondike Bars from the company freezer. One of the managers brought in a hidden camera to catch the thief. We all knew the camera was there so he crawled over to the freezer all ninja style to stay under the camera's field of vision. It would have worked, except, when he stood back up he tried to do it all fancy, and fell backward back into the camera's view. -
Got fired for "updating his resume using company property". -
He was an arsonist…. I work for a fire department….. -
Apparently he had been getting into those pickup artist classes and books b******t and how to be a real man wankery. Some female colleague disrespected his manliness by asking him to clarify a work issue or something that offended him so during a conference meeting he just got up, walked around the desk, and slapped her so hard that her head bounced of the table knocking her out and fracturing her jaw. His ring also gashed her cheek and damaged her eye. He then sat back down and tried to casually continue on with the meeting. He didn't understand why we called the police as well as the ambulance and why we wouldn't let him leave the room. He is in gaol now hopefully being sodomised like the little wankstain b***h he is. -
Bounty hunters came to get him while he was on shift. I don’t know what for, but I guess it was something minor, because he was out again pretty quickly. He tried to come back to work for a little bit, but then stopped coming in without saying anything, so boss told us to consider him “let go”. The last time I saw him, (a couple months later) he was getting arrested (again) one shopping center over -
Our company was in the process of being sold. This guy who was like the assistant manager had been told by the original company that he would get the manager job when the other guy was promoted to regional manager (I'm simplifying it but that's the gist). Anyway, the manager was kind of a d**k, and we didn't care for him, but this guy was a total douche. If he'd been promoted, it would have been a disaster. When the time came for us to sign our contracts with the new employer, he went to each and every person in the department and asked us to refuse to sign unless the manager was fired and he was promoted. He tried to stage a coup. Nobody agreed with his plan, and one person reported him to the higher-ups. He took the next day off - because it was his birthday - and when he returned to the office HR was waiting for him. Then he sued for wrongful termination. He lost. -
Accused a coworker of sexually harassing female coworkers but got caught in his own lie when cameras showed he was the one doing it on the date/time he gave the manager to investigate -
Planned an armed robbery with her boyfriend on the phone. On the work phone. While on the clock. What about the boyfriend, I heard nobody ask? In jail at the time. On a monitored phone call. -
He sniffed a lady's hair -
I knew a guy at work who did quality control at my company- I work in financial b******t so QC is done entirely on a computer For a year and a half he faked all of his reports and he used company time to write a book Guy never finished the book unfortunately -
I had this one coworker I worked with for years in highschool. Thought she was great. I came back from college to work over break and found out she had stolen $2,000 counting drawers over the years. -
He arrived and from the first day was very adamant our comapny switch marketing agencies. He spent hours a day setting up meetings with the comapny in question which led to our company reviewing the call logs. This idiot was using the company phones to hatch a scheme with his brother-in-law where we'd switch to the BIL's marketing company and the co-worker would get a cut of whatever we paid them. The best part ... He was fired 6 days into his contract. -
I was the one who fired him. I was his supervisor and I caught him stealing IV supplies from medical (we were guards at a large car factory). He tried to say the needles for filling up his vape some how but I just couldn't look the other way. My instincts were right considering he was arrested for heroin possession just three weeks later. -
She stole cash tips off tables as a busser. When we got her on camera and confronted her, she said she never used the cash she stole, just put it in a savings account and let it sit there, as if that would clear her name. -
She's been a bartender at the country club for like 5 years. New manager comes in, and has a meeting with all the staff, tells everyone that there is to be no more drinking on the clock PERIOD. She leaves the meeting, goes to clock in for her shift, and blatantly pours herself a massive Tito's and soda. She couldn't understand why she got immediately fired. -
He tried to wash his 3 foot bong in the back sink of our fast food restaurant. Like during work hours. -
The assistant manager at a restaurant I worked at would give change back but wouldn't ring up the ticket. At the end of the night, he would do them all at once and apply coupons. I don't know how long this went but they finally caught on. He didn't actually get fired, but quit when the jig was up. Last time I saw him he was a police officer. -
He didn't do anything. I mean that, that's why he got fired, because he didn't do anything. Everything was tired of his laziness and total ineptitude -
She taught at an all boys Catholic school. Was dating a fellow teacher and got pregnant. Decided to have the baby but not marry the guy. She got fired. He got moved to the girl's campus as a "punishment" since the girls' school was seen as less prestigious. -
Showed up drunk on the job, passed out on a chair in the lobby, then pissed his pants. -
Had two jobs. Would click on on one, then go to the other and come back in the evening to clock out.
- 25 People Who Were Confidently Incorrect
A temp office worker arrived around 10am. She was found rifling thru someone’s wallet at noon. Arrested and taken away by 12:30.